Over 30+ years in business in Harbour Island, offering some of the most competitive prices for golf cart rentals with impeccable service!
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Golf Cart Rentals, Harbour Island, Bahamas (Dunmore Town)

Private Luxury Boat Charters & Excursions in Harbour Island, Bahamas (Dunmore Town)

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About Harbour Island

Harbour Island is perhaps best known for its stunning pink sand beach and rustic glamour that keeps some of the world’s most famous celebrities coming back again and again. Praised as the “crown jewel of the Caribbean” (Forbes), this small 3.5 x 1.5 mile island has everything one could ask for while on vacation — crystal clear waters, beautiful weather, activities to suit any preference, and a plethora of restaurant options from laid back and local to high-end chic. The true magic of this island comes from the people who offer tourists a warm Bahamian welcome, eager to show you all the beauty the islands have to offer. The most common way to arrive to Harbour Island is via the North Eleuthera airport (ELH) with direct flights from Nassau, Fort Lauderdale and select other US cities. Whether you’re a regular or a first-time visitor, our goal is to make it easier to make the most of your time in Harbour Island, and discover the many local businesses that have been offering authentic, quality experiences and products for several years.

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Philipp Jumping
Date starts
May 2019
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Luxury Boat Charters, Golf Cart Rentals & More in Harbour Island, Bahamas
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